Ensure Your Legacy by Including a Gift in Your Estate Plan

For more than 50 years, the mission of Population Connection (formerly Zero Population Growth) has focused on the future … a future where women everywhere gain access to modern family planning options and reproductive health care … a future where rapid population growth no longer threatens our quality of life … and where the Earth’s resources can sustain the world’s population. This future can only be made possible by the support of people like YOU.
There are ways you can ensure Population Connection’s work to advocate, inform, and educate continues as long as overpopulation threatens our world. With proper planning, you can provide financial security to your loved ones first. Then, you might consider including gifts to Population Connection in your plans.
There are a number of ways to give. Some ways include benefits to you, such as income during retirement, tax savings, and more; all will make a difference in our work and in our world.
When you do make a gift in your will or trust, establish a Charitable Gift Annuity, or designate Population Connection as a beneficiary of your retirement fund or other financial account, we’ll be honored to include you as a member of our ZPG Society.
This is a recognition group intended to pay tribute to your commitment and far-sightedness. You’ll receive a lifetime subscription to our magazine, Population Connection, in recognition of your enduring dedication to global population stabilization. And you can be proud to see your name included as a ZPG Society member in our annual listing in the magazine.
If we can provide more information or answer any questions, please contact us! Thank you for your commitment to making our world a better place, where people live in harmony with nature, and where we can preserve our natural resources for future generations.
You can create a lasting legacy through a simple bequest in your will or trust.
Already included us in your estate plans?